
Type: Posts; User: Logcabin1

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  1. ...and this gets worse, the control/clock...

    [QUOTE]...and this gets worse, the control/clock is coming up NLA ( no longer available ).

    Ouch! So it looks like my only choices are to try to send the control panel out to one of these...
  2. I apologize Jeff1, The correct model # is...

    I apologize Jeff1, The correct model # is JGSP31WET1WW - the dot matrix print type makes some characters difficult to read.

    Is there some means of testing and determining if the clock/control has...
  3. Spilled water in oven - control panel failing to switch on bake or broil

    While cooking a cheese cake in a water bath a leak sprung in the aluminum pan, allowing a rapid drip of water to leak (guessing one quart as lovely wife decided the best remedy was to continue...
Results 1 to 3 of 3