View Full Version : Kenmore 80 Series Washer Rhythmic Banging During Spin
10-22-2013, 12:52 PM
I have a Kenmore (Mod:110-24832200, Ser: CP1128804) 80 Series washer that is approximately 9 years old and has suddenly started a rhythmic banging whenever the drum spins. The banging speed is independent of the speed of the drum. It begins immediately and ends as soon as the drum stops spinning. The washer completes all cycles completely with no other issues.
I took off the cabinet, bypassed the lid switch, and was able to determine that the noise appears to be coming from the clutch assembly area. I don't think it's it's coming from the gearbox or the drive basket (but I suppose either of those could be causing it)
Here is a video:
10-22-2013, 03:42 PM
That sounds like a tranny/gearbox issue :(
459 Gearcase for direct drive washer Manufacturer Number 3360629 (
10-22-2013, 05:49 PM
Went home at lunch to see if I could tell exactly where sound was coming from. I used a stick and placed it on different parts to see if I could pinpoint the location. It DOES indeed seem to be coming from the gearbox. Also, since I have been doing so much "testing" the spin of the drum is slowing to the point that I can stop it very easily and the noise is getting louder. Thoughts? Does that confirm the thoughts?
Also, I have read where people don't replace just the tranny, they usually do the clutch and drive basket at the same time. Thoughts?
10-22-2013, 09:09 PM
Also, since I have been doing so much "testing" the spin of the drum is slowing to the point that I can stop it very easily and the noise is getting louder. Thoughts? Does that confirm the thoughts?
Still sounds like ( no pun intended ) the tranny/gearbox.
Also, I have read where people don't replace just the tranny, they usually do the clutch and drive basket at the same time. Thoughts?
Basket drive, not normally unless ground up....clutch, not normally unless it is worn, rusting, got oil into it....if over 8-10 years, then it might be a good idea to do the clutch at the same time.
460 Washing machine clutch assembly with hardware. Manufacturer Number 285785 (
10-23-2013, 05:31 PM
Alright. Thanks for all the info. I watched the videos and I think I am going to pull the trigger on ordering a transmission and clutch. In your opinion, I won't hold you to it :-), do you think that there's a chance that I could get this thing apart and find that I've got to replace a drum and/or basket drive? I can handle the price of the tranny and clutch.....but if I do anymore, I may as well head to Sears and pick out a new washer......
10-23-2013, 06:27 PM
do you think that there's a chance that I could get this thing apart and find that I've got to replace a drum and/or basket drive?
No, not normally...rust is not a friend, if overly rusted/rusting that would send up a red flag....if still looks good I wouldn't worry.
10-23-2013, 06:53 PM
Thanks very much for all the guidance. I am ordering now and I will give an update when I have it all back together.
10-24-2013, 01:54 AM
I am ordering now and I will give an update when I have it all back together
Great :)
10-26-2013, 01:04 AM
Hey Jeff!
I am back in business. Took less than an hour. Thank you so much for all your assistance and assurance. The tranny was the only part to arrive today, so that's all it took. Since it was so easy, I'll probably pul it apart again on Monday when I get the clutch, just for preventative maintainence. Thanks again!
10-26-2013, 02:05 AM
Thankx for the update :)
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