View Full Version : rust spots
11-10-2013, 07:54 AM
Hope a number is not needed for this. I have a 2 door Frigidaire (I think) fridge with freezer on top. It has spots on the top and down one side where it looks like the paint has lifted. These places now have rust spots.
What would be causing this? I have to think of a moisture problem of some sort.
11-10-2013, 12:34 PM
Worse case, void of insulation and the cabinet is sweating.
Probable, something on the finish not cleaned correctly and got painted over.
Customer used some kind of cleaner or such which damaged the finish.
Something beside the refrigerator causing this.
11-10-2013, 01:45 PM
I did think of the sweating and or wet insulation aspect,but the one side being clear was kinda throwing me off.
The cleaning agent begins to make sense when I think of the way the fridge might have sat in the cabinets with access only to the one side and top for cleaning. Not sure why the door was not as bad if any at all. Maybe the front was rinsed better.
I was thinking of removing the gasket off this 16c' and putting it on a 14 cubic' with a better looking cabinet. They both look to measure the same, but I would still check the part numbers both call for.
Now I may just clean the spots up and repaint them to see how it looks. I really do not like touch up painting.
11-10-2013, 03:41 PM
Now I may just clean the spots up and repaint them to see how it looks. I really do not like touch up painting.
A light sanding and a couple of spray coats should help.
11-10-2013, 11:00 PM
Considering the location of these spots, this should not be a real big problem. I checked them again this evening, not as bad as I thought.
I was checking the part numbers on the gaskets. They are the same, but less trouble just to clean these spots up a little and get the epoxy paint out I keep on hand. It does work pretty doggone good especially since it is not right on the front.
11-11-2013, 12:40 AM
I checked them again this evening, not as bad as I thought.
since it is not right on the front
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