View Full Version : washer overflow ???
12-28-2013, 12:31 AM
A while back I sold a Kitchenaide washer. The lady called and said it overeflowed. First wash did fine with a small load. Next load was bigger, and the washer overflowed and "flooded" some new carpet down stairs.
Long story short, I have run the machine in all cycles and load levels several times with no problems, just as I did before I put it up for sale.
Any explanations as to what may have happened. Should I still check the tube from the dome to the level switch to make sure it is a tight fit? Can the level switches work sometimes and act up other times? I gave the lady one just like this one and have heard nothing from her. I told them they could call it a loaner until I checked this one or they could keep it. Called today, got no response. It has been a couple of weeks now.
I do not know whether to trust this machine or not even though it runs with no problem for me.
12-28-2013, 02:45 AM
The lady called and said it overeflowed.
First question to ask did you stop the water??
Any explanations as to what may have happened
She let it fill up first and then put the clothes in.....kinda like filling up the bath tub and then getting in.
Should I still check the tube from the dome to the level switch to make sure it is a tight fit?
Can the level switches work sometimes and act up other times?
I do not know whether to trust this machine or not even though it runs with no problem for me.
All you can do is make sure hose ends are good and tight, no gookus floating around between the tubs that might fool the WLC, check the WLC in several different levels, make sure the air dome is clean. Test fill valve also.
12-28-2013, 03:09 AM
Okay, how do I check the fill valve to determine if it may be malfunctioning sometimes? As far as that goes, how do I check the wl switch to determine if it is malfunctioning sometimes?
If clothes being loaded after it had filled caused the overflow, wouldn't the switch have to be satisfied first? Otherwise, the air would still be pushed up the tube and activated the switch to shut off, right?
They talked like this thing just kept running. I don't remember if they even said how they shut it off.
One guy told me he had mistakenly put a level switch between settings and it overflowed. Like between low and med or med and large. Make sense?
I had told myself maybe the hdrain hose came out of the pipe, but I doubt they would mislead like that knowing I would check the machine. But, you never know what people might do if they were trying to collect from their insurance like they talked like they were doing.
When they brought it back and got the other one, nothing was said about insurance.
Maybe I should see about new wl switch and inlet valve.
Want to sell this thing ..again, but a little concerned about it malfunctioning again.
12-28-2013, 01:24 PM
They talked like this thing just kept running. I don't remember if they even said how they shut it off
That's why you have to ask the right questions.
One guy told me he had mistakenly put a level switch between settings and it overflowed. Like between low and med or med and large. Make sense?
If it is the "click" "click" style WLC maybe...if it is the infinite style WLC that won't matter.
Okay, how do I check the fill valve to determine if it may be malfunctioning sometimes? As far as that goes, how do I check the wl switch to determine if it is malfunctioning sometimes?
Intermittant issues are a problem, you might not "catch" it but can certainly try...
A copy: **If the water shuts off when you remove it's power cord from the wall outlet, try plugging the washer in and out a couple more times and if the water stops each time the fill valve indicates as being good**
If clothes being loaded after it had filled caused the overflow, wouldn't the switch have to be satisfied first? Otherwise, the air would still be pushed up the tube and activated the switch to shut off, right?
Except the tub would already be full and then they add the clothes pushing the water level up and filling the bath tub to the top and then getting in.
12-29-2013, 12:31 AM
I get the part about the tub being filled before the clothes are put in and causing the overflow. I understood the water ran until the machine was turned off. I am trying to say the wlc would be satisfied with no water coming in and only a certain amount of water would have been displaced causing a relatively minor and short duration overflow.
Sorry Jeff, the older I get the more trouble I seem to have communicating.
Thanks. I may try the plugging and unplugging thing tomorrow.
This thing still scares me a little as I assume it could be a piece of debri of some sort making the inlet valve malfunction intermittenly.
I may have blown something in it or stretched something in the valve (diaphram?) when I blew some air in it in an attempt to remove as much water as I could from the valve since we have had such cold temps.
12-29-2013, 02:25 AM
I am trying to say the wlc would be satisfied with no water coming in and only a certain amount of water would have been displaced causing a relatively minor and short duration overflow.
The bath tub thing was just a "what if" idea.
Definetly would just allow some water to leak over and stop....but 6 cups of water makes a larger mess than you think ;)
This thing still scares me a little as I assume it could be a piece of debri of some sort making the inlet valve malfunction intermittenly.
Yupper, that is the fun part of an intermittant issue :(
I may have blown something in it or stretched something in the valve (diaphram?) when I blew some air in it in an attempt to remove as much water as I could from the valve since we have had such cold temps.
I doubt it.
01-05-2014, 01:11 PM
As I was sitting here this am thinking about needing to move some things out of my shop to regain some space, this thing crossed my mind. I remember sometimes I would remove the tub ring and clean gook off the outer tub. This debris would scrape off and fall to the bottom. Now I am thinking what was not removed could very well have blocked the air dome hose or got in the tube from time to time. When I can get to this machine, I will definitely check this out.
I guess I will be taking the inner basket out to get to all the debris as it would only take a small flake to cause problems.
I might be able to tell by looking at the top of the outer tub of this one whether I had cleaned/scraped it off.
Dang, now that I think about it, if that is what happened, this what I get for doing a partial cleaning. I must have been thinking this stuff would dissolve when wet and wash out the drain hose.
01-05-2014, 04:22 PM
Dang, now that I think about it, if that is what happened, this what I get for doing a partial cleaning. I must have been thinking this stuff would dissolve when wet and wash out the drain hose.
Some probably will dissolve and flow out, some may just float around in the water and settle back inside.
01-06-2014, 01:30 AM
What do you think about the possibility that some of it interfered with the air dome functioning properly? I can imagine a piece blocking the tube then falling back down and/or getting washed out. May never do it again.
01-06-2014, 02:00 AM
I can imagine a piece blocking the tube then falling back down and/or getting washed out. May never do it again.
Yup, that could easily happen.
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