View Full Version : GE dishwasher potsrcubber 1910
04-15-2013, 01:01 PM
yesterday water was coming in the cellar directly below where dishwasher is. I ran it again and looked on the bottom of the dishwasher, as water came into the dishwasher water also seemed to drip out where the motor is. check out the video
The video is a few seconds long so you have to look carefully to see the drip. Any ideas?
04-15-2013, 04:23 PM
Video won't work.
Potscrubber 1910 isn't a model#. Model# helps.
water also seemed to drip out where the motor is
Motor and pump assembly leaks.
If you see water leaking out where the plastic body and metal motor part comes together, sometimes replacing the impellor and seal kit will fix you up. If you see water leaking out of the drain valve stem, usually best to replace the motor and pump assembly.
04-16-2013, 04:35 PM The video should work now
Model no. GSD1910x66AA
S.N. Gm759424B
If it is what you think is it worth it to fix or just buy a new one?
Check out the video
04-17-2013, 02:09 AM
Would have to be investigated a bit further but that leak appeared to come from the middle area...see if the leak is coming from where the plastic body and metal motor part comes together or the pump connector above the motor and pump and leaking down....both are common.
Leaking above the motor and pump assembly kit...
261 Spray arm with tower and connecting boot (
If leaking from the pump assembly itself, two seal kit ( as long as the motor shaft is not too rusted ) or new motor and pump assembly...
262 Motor shaft seal and impeller kit (
263 Dishwasher motor and pump kit (
None of these repairs are the kiss of death and as long as the rest of the d/w is in reasonable shape the repair should be worth while.
04-19-2013, 08:08 PM
Hey Jeff, i was looking at the dishwasher and by accident I found out something that can solve this problem. I was washing dishes by hand and putting the dishes in the dishwasher rack so they can dry. When i looked under the dishwasher( i still have the bottom off) there was new water puddle so I filled a pot of water and poured it into the dishwasher and immediately water started dripping where the motor is, so the problem there is a leak inside the dishwasher but i can't see where. If you have time tell me me where leaks like that occur and i might be able to fix it. Thanks
04-20-2013, 01:55 AM
Best might be what an appliance tech would do...have a good light on and have someone pour some water inside while you lay on the floor to ID what/where the water is coming from. See if the leak is coming from where the plastic body and metal motor part comes together or the pump connector above the motor and pump and leaking down....both are common.
265 266
04-20-2013, 03:09 PM
I took dishwasher from under the sink so i coulkd see underneath it better and poured water into dishwasher, it started dripping where the plastic body part comes together with the motor, like you said. Thanks! Now one last question Is it hard to replace this part? I am very mechanical, i installed that dishwasher years ago and i do many different types of plumbing problems so i think i might be able to handle this but would like a step by step on doing this if possible.
Thanks again I really appreciate all of the help that you gave.
04-20-2013, 03:23 PM
it started dripping where the plastic body part comes together with the motor
Seal kit at min or the whole motor and pump assembly at the most.
Is it hard to replace this part? I am very mechanical
Seal kit is more involved but neither are over difficult.
This is more for changing the pump connector but shows the motor and pump coming out...
04-23-2013, 04:20 PM
It was not the seal I took it off (thanks for the video) The leak is coming the area where there (not sure what you call it) I think it is the drain area. If i pour water and it only goes down that drain that is where leak is coming from, I pour carefully making sure it does not touch spinning arm area. Any ideas (sorry to bother you again
04-24-2013, 01:21 AM
If you see the leak coming from the drain solenoid post...
... = new motor and pump time.
04-27-2013, 06:41 PM
I found the leak!!, It looks a bit different than the image you have. The white plastic connector (red circle) is where it leaks just that lower arm where it connects to motor. The drain rubber boot looks fine just plastic white part is the problem I can see. Can i just change that part or does that white part come with a new motor? Also is that part easy to replace?, I can't see how it connect to motor
04-28-2013, 03:33 AM
Looks more like just dripping from there...leaks from the plastic body will normally come from the seal/ motor shaft area and drip down....yours is just the older black motor style, newer one is a silver motor style.
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