View Full Version : Kenmore dishwasher stops mid-way through cycle but restarts if you push on the door
Marla K
07-07-2013, 09:59 PM
I have a 10 year old Kenmore Ultra Wash dishwasher either Model 665.1637 or 665.1737 (can't tell) that runs half-way through the cycle and then stops. If I push on the door, it re-starts and usually finishes the cycle. Sometimes this happens multiple times and I have to keep pushing on the door to re-start. I have cleaned the seal on the inside of the dishwasher. The seal appears to be in good shape, but I suspect that maybe it is starting to dry rot and that is causing the problem. Any suggestions on other possibilities and is the seal something that I can replace on my own without having to call a repair person?
07-07-2013, 10:50 PM
Model 665.1637 or 665.1737 (can't tell)
Missing some digits. This off of the d/w or the manual?
8 models start with those digits.
8 models start with those digits as well.
that runs half-way through the cycle and then stops. If I push on the door, it re-starts and usually finishes the cycle
4 common trouble makers....some have said a new gasket helps, some have replaced the lock and that has helped, some have replaced the catch, some have replaced the lock and catch......but on the last couple we ran into we replaced the lock, catch and hinges as the hinges where worn enough to "help" the door to pop open during the cycle :(
Marla K
07-08-2013, 12:01 AM
I got the numbers out of the manual. I can't find the model # on the dishwasher itself - must be on the back of the dishwasher. How costly are all of the parts that you mentioned? With the dishwasher being 10 years old, I think I may be better off just buying a new one.
07-08-2013, 02:16 AM
must be on the back of the dishwasher
Model# on a d/w is normally around the door opening...
pic from (
How costly are all of the parts that you mentioned?
Once we can look up the parts for your specific model#, we can find out.
I think I may be better off just buying a new one.
That is a possibility for sure.
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