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View Full Version : kitchenaid washer

09-22-2013, 09:35 PM
I have sold this washer twice. First time I replaced it, the pump was siezing (I think). Sold it again. Now the complaint is it stops in the middle of the cycle. Guy says he can reach down to the agitator and give it a nudge, or whatever, and it takes off again. I do not advise doing this.

Anyway, what does the problem seem to be?

I don't have the model number handy....wait. It might be KAWE55v(?)alo. Going by a note I have jotted down. I do not have the washer back yet.

I did notice a loud buzzing at the end of a cycle when I was trying it out. I don't remember hearing this before. It was almost like a dryer end of cycle buzzing. Would abuzzing be normal at the end of a cycle?


09-23-2013, 02:18 AM

Now the complaint is it stops in the middle of the cycle.

Motor over heating, dead spot in the timer, lid switch, loose wire, bad fill valve....would have to be investigated.

I did notice a loud buzzing at the end of a cycle when I was trying it out

Does it have an end of cycle signal?


09-23-2013, 10:34 AM
Does it have an end of cycle signal?

I don't believe it does. I looked for one and did not find a stand alone switch.

09-23-2013, 12:43 PM
Once you have the full model#, we will check.


09-27-2013, 11:38 AM

Guy calls and tells me the washer seemed to be doing okay after all. He decided to keep it and try it for a few days. I haven't heard back from him.

Dirty spot on the timer maybe? This washer had sat outside covered up on a deck for a little while, not sure how long.

If he calls 6 months down the road about it, I will wish I had told him to bring it back I guess.

Not really. He seems like a good guy, and I am curious about this washer myself.

09-27-2013, 12:36 PM
Time will tell ;)
